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An Autopsy on the Man of the Shroud by Robert Bucklin, M. D. , J. D. has been added to the 1997 Nice Symposium section of the "Shroud Conferences and Symposia" page. The author, a reknown forensic pathologist and medical examiner, is currently Deputy Coronor of Las Vegas, Nevada, and has been a Shroud researcher for over 45 years. With his vast experience, he provides a clear and expert medical interpretation of the man depicted on the cloth. In 1978, Dr. Bucklin was a member of STURP, the team that performed the first ever in depth examination of the Shroud. I am very proud to include his important work on this website and thank him for giving me permission to make it available to Internet viewers. This is the first of a number of his scientific papers that will soon be included on this site.

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Yet his work helped to open the doors of science wide enough so that 80 years later, I would be fortunate enough to take part in a major scientific investigation of the Shroud and add my name to the very short list of photographers who have been privileged to photograph it. The upcoming 1998 Exhibition is being held, in part, to commemorate Secondo Pia's first photograph of the Shroud of Turin and its significance to Shroud research. One additional note about this article. The images are large and may take a bit longer to load than usual. It took me just under 13 minutes to load the entire page using a 14. 4 modem during a high traffic period of the day.

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