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Of course, students talk to each other, answer questions, and make comments in class. But is their voice really heard in schools?Youve probably hear the term, student voice and choice, in reference to personalized learning. The Glossary of Education Reform offers this definition; student voice refers to the values, opinions, beliefs, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds of individual students and groups of students in a school, and to instructional approaches and techniques that are based on student choices, interests, passions, and ambitions. Lets break down this definition. First, student voice involves the values, opinions, beliefs, perspective, and cultural backgrounds of all students. So this is more than simply listening to our students in class. Listening to the collective student voice means that we listen to and respond to what really matters to students. Are their opinions being heard?Are their values and beliefs being respected?Are their varying cultural backgrounds freely expressed?Next, student voice should affect instructional approaches. Here is where the student choice piece comes in. To truly let student voice be heard, does the way you are teaching reflect that youre actually letting students make choices about how they learn?Does the way something is being taught offer students opportunities to express their personal beliefs and opinions?Can they share or learn about their own culture, feel comfortable to let their values be known?Does your school have an activity period, or flex block?Perhaps you could use this time for students to pursue projects of their choice or meet with groups of students to share some of the things they care about. Could you dedicate time just for students to explore and celebrate their culture?Could students presents their projects, big ideas, opinions, etc.

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Motif can help develop and inform the text's major themes" Villarreal et al. , 2015, p. 266. 13 See the article, Favorite Books for Kids with Learning and Attention Issues. Did you like the book. Multicultural literature for children and young adults.

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