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6. Full guidance relating to the EAP portal, including how to gain access and user manuals, is available from the EAP support page. Depending on the type of examination, one of the following payment tasks should be selected to submit payments of this fee in the EAP portal:Note: This fee is not equivalent to the higher rate fee payable for actual setting of written exam papers. If a Chair of Examiners is directly involved in the setting of an exam paper i. e. writing questions or preparing other material for inclusion in the exam paper then the higher rate paper setting fee payable to examiners and assessors should be claimed, by selecting the payment task entitled Paper Set in the EAP Portal.

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Caribbean Examination Commission

Don't believe us?Then let's imagine where we'd be if Sesame Street never existed. For one thing, television itself might be a "vast wasteland. " That was the phrase FCC chairman Newton Minow used to describe the TV landscape in 1961, and children's TV was hardly exempt. As recounted in Street Gang, a new book by TV journalist Michael Davis, the show came about after Lloyd Morrisett, an experimental psychologist, walked into his living room and found his 3 year old daughter mesmerized by the TV test pattern. He told that story at a dinner party several weeks later and wondered aloud if children might be able to learn something from the tube. It seems like a crazy question in our Baby Einstein world, but back then, to paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, we didn't know what we didn't know.

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This is the first published study showing that a third brake light reduces automobile accidents. Practical ApplicationThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA repeated Voevodskys experiment on a larger scale, and concluded that Center High Mounted Stop Lamps CHMSLs reduce accidents and injuries. As a result, the NHTSA now requires all new cars since 1986 and all new light trucks since 1994 to have a third brake light. To see just how well the CHMSLs worked, the NHTSA has charted police reported crash data from eight states, and has found that CHMSLs reduce rear impacts by 4. 3%. Although less dramatic than the original findings, this finding means that since the CHMSL became standard equipment, there have been about 200,000 fewer crashes, 60,000 fewer injuries, and over $600 million in property damage saved every year not to mention the lives saved. To put that in dollars and cents: for every dollar spent on manufacturing and installing the third brake light, $3. 18 is saved. Cited Llaneras, R. , Neurauter, L. , and Perez, M.

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