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, and Clark, J. P. 1983. Deterrence in the Workplace: Perceived Certainty, Perceived Severity, and Employee Theft. Social Forces, 62, 398 418. Kely, A. , and Kilbourne, L. 1994 A Reevaluation of Equity Theory: The Influence of Culture. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22, 122 148. Kwak, A. 2006.

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I also prepare a stack of large cards each printed with one single digit numeral 0 9. The deck features multiples cards printed with the same digit. The goal of the game is to see which student builds the largest number. I pull a total of 5 cards for students to see. Each time I show a card, students must choose a column in which to write the numeral displayed on the card. For example, if the first numeral I pull is a 9, students with strong number sense automatically write the 9 in the ten thousands column because they know that 9 has the highest value.

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It is the quickest, simplest and safest way to Transfer Money, no matter whatever the destination is. Money transfer or wire transfer refers to money sending to distant places either within national boundary or beyond that. This transfer may happen either physically or electronically. To send money, the sender needs to place an order with a wire transfer service provider and it takes the responsibility to deliver the specified amount to the recipient. The sender must have the correct information regarding the recipients full name and requisite bank account details. Do you wonder how money transfer is done so quickly?Well, the banks and other money transfer service providers have a strong and worldwide network of affiliated financial institutes to complete the transaction on customers request. Generally, the wire transfer houses demand a nominal fee for the service they offer. Nowadays, more advanced mode of money transfer has been introduced. EFT or electronic funds transfer is now widely used to transfer money. It is not that Transfer Money is happening only these days. In reality, it is a 150 years old system.

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People usually do not think that catfishes are not prominent or interesting enough animals to be featured in folklore, but a careful search reveals that there are still some interesting stories, as the first of this series will show. The Catfish Basics SeriesPt 7 Selection, Acclimatization, and Quarantine by Shane Linder uploaded January 01, 2002OK, so you've seen the fish in a book, you've seen the fish at your LFS. Read this before you make your next move. The Catfish Basics SeriesPt 6 Filtration by Shane Linder uploaded January 01, 2002Each type of filtration has distinct advantages and disadvantages to the catfish hobbyist and this article explains how to choose the best type of filtration for specific type of catfish. The Catfish Basics SeriesPt 4 How to spot a catfish geek!by Shane Linder uploaded January 01, 2002We've talked about how to spot your catfish, now follows a lighthearted 'intermission' in the series where Shane with a little help from others observes what it means to be well on the way to being a true catfish geek or, for UK readers, a catfish anorak. A catfish keepers guide to dissolved oxygen by Shane Linder uploaded January 01, 2002The importance of DO is often overlooked or misunderstood. As more and more delicate species of catfish become available, understanding this aspect of their husbandry becomes increasingly useful. Water Chemistry and the Catfish by Rupert Collins uploaded January 01, 2002A look into the terms often used in aquatic conversations, but sometimes without as much understanding as this article seeks to provide. Articles on the reproduction of individual species with details from the aquarists that have kept them. There are 75 Reproduction articles, listed by date written. Alternatively, list by popular articles.

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