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Finally, the bilateral superior parietal areas BA 7 were also activated Fig. 2E. In ST, this activity first occurred on the left hemisphere from 170 ms with two peaks: one at 215 ms in ST 32 pA m as in DT 34 pA m and one at 400 ms in ST 50 pA m and at 430 ms in DT 53 pm. The right superior parietal cortex was also activated, but less so, with one peak at 285 ms in ST 43 pA m and another at 335 ms in DT 35 pA m. Concerning the main neuronal network involved in processing relevant visual cues for driving, the results revealed that, regardless of the attentional state of the subject and the kind of information to be processed traffic light or arrow, it implies visual areas and a right fronto parietal network. Primary and secondary visual areas showed stronger activity in the left hemisphere than in the right.

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2 Causes approx. It may seem natural to attribute the prevalence of rear end collisions to factors such as poor road conditions, poor traffic signal design, poor road alignment and excessive speed. Studies have shown, however, that more than 80% of all rear end collisions are due primarily to human related factors, such as driver inattention, external distractions, following too closely, and poor judgment. Furthermore, approximately 94% of reported rear end crashes occur on straight roads, suggesting that visibility problems or curves are not to be blamed IVHS VI, 1994. To design effective countermeasures for rear end collisions, therefore, it is necessary to understand in detail human factors issues related to the behavioral, attentional, perceptual, and psychomotor aspects of driver performance. One of the most extensive studies to determine the cause of rear end collisions was the Indiana Tri Level Study, which determined that direct driver errors were the definite or probable cause of crash causation in 93% of crashes Treat, Trumbas, McDonald, Shinar, Hume, Mayer,Stansifer and Catellan, 1979.

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The Relationship Between International Uniform Contract Law Conventions, 22 Journal of Law and Commerce Spring 2003 57 752003. Gap Filling and Interpretation of the CISG: Overview of International Case Law, 7 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration 2003 63 922004. International Sales Law and the Inevitability of Forum Shopping: A Comment on Tribunale di Rimini, 26 November 2002, 23 Journal of Law and Commerce 2004 169 192 2005. Wesentliche Vertragsverletzung nach UN Kaufrecht: 25 Jahr Artikel 25 CISG , Internationales Handelsrecht 1/2005 1 9, available online at 2005. What Sources of Law for Contracts for the International Sale of Goods?Why One Has toLook Beyond the CISG, 25 International Review of Law and Economics 2005/3 314 3412005 2006. Remarks on the UNCITRAL Digest's Comments on Article 6 CISG, at:Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods sponsored by UNCITRAL and the Vienna International Arbitration Centre Vienna: 15 18 March 2005, 25 Journal of Law and Commerce, Issue No. 1 Fall 2005 / Spring 2006 13 372005 2006. Fundamental Breach of Contract Under the UN Sales Convention: 25 Years of Article 25 CISG, 25 Journal of Law and Commerce, Issue No. 2 Fall 2005 / Spring 2006 489 5082007. The Interaction Between the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and Domestic Remedies, in: The Convention on the International Sale of Goods The 25th Anniversary: Its Impact in the Past Its Role in the Future. German Society of Comparative Law Private International Law Division Conference 2005: 22 24 September 2005, Wrzberg, in: 71 Rabels Zeitschrift fr auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht January 2007 52 802008.

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