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Its proximity to humans is based upon the waste produced by man which attracts rodents, its main food source. Vietnam has the highest number of traffic related deaths in the world. This does not mean that if you are on vacation in Vietnam's main cities that you will not contract Malaria. VietNamNet Bridge In Vietnam, some people own giant King cobras which may be the world's largest, even larger than its normal length, which can be up to 5m. Not all King Cobra bites result in venom being injected into the bite wound, sometimes a bite can occur without any venom being injected into the victim. We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. Other reasons for the amputations is the time it takes to get medical treatment when touring through a jungle. Vietnam is placed 16th highest among 152 countries studied in terms of the proportion of its wildlife species found to be in danger. Faunal species noted are accounted as 11,217 species of animals, in Vietnam's hot and humid climate. You can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to your Hubpages account. Biggest King Cobra:Top 7 Huge Snake Capture in 2019 YouTube If medical treatment is not given, the victim may suffer renal failure, loss of consciousness, and then slip into a coma.

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12 MOTION PICTURES GENERAL 1900 72Air Force Digest series, 1953 55 65 reels. Air Force NewsReview series, 1939 59 349 reels. Armed Forces InformationFilms series, 1950 63 46 reels. Tarzon Bomb, documenting bombdevelopment, 1963 2 reels. General Holtoner and Bill Holden Sound Barrier,documenting the actor's visit to an Air Force base and his ride in a jetfighter, 1956 1 reel. Film Reports series, 1958 66 153reels. Film Training Aids series, 1953 63 103 reels. Department of Defense News Releases series, 1952 54 410 reels. Report to the Armed Forces series, documenting the preparationsfor a nuclear detonation on Eniwetok Island and the constructionof the air base at Thule, Greenland, 1953 6 reels. Special FilmProjects series, 1943 64 1,785 reels. Technical Film Reportsseries, documenting the development of the Snark long rangemissile system, 1950 55 9 reels.

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