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economy in 2018, according to the U. S. Department of Commerce. One of those students who can now sleep easier is Aassa Shrestha, 22, a nursing student from Nepal in her junior year at West Coast University in Dallas. I am very happy with the news, Shrestha said. Im glad they understood what their administrations decision would have done to us. Shrestha decided to study nursing in Dallas after an earthquake rocked her home country in 2015 and killed nearly 9,000 and injured nearly 22,000. She plans to return home upon graduation with the skills she acquired in the U. S. , she said. It was after the earthquake I realized a lot of things that are important are not taught there.

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The results found that, on average, a person will adjust his or her "time by 41% of how much faster, or slower, their nominal time is in relation to the coworkers" Schultz, et. al. , 2006, p. 15. The researchers believed that the positive correlations found between the speed of a worker and the speed of his or her co worker were consistent with Equity Theory, as workers desired to decrease gaps between their work pace inputs and the work pace of their co workers. The study results were purported as important in design of assembly lines such that workstations should be arranged as to take advantage of this equity theory effect by allowing workers only to be able to see the employees who are the fastest in the plant. Both classical and contemporary research supports the validity of Equity Theory and its application in the work setting. While Equity Theory is supported as fact when reviewing the actions and behaviors of those who feel they are subject to inequities, additional research into how Equity Theory can be used proactively to increase the motivation and behavior of workers is necessary. In 2009, Gino and Pierce conducted a research study in order to determine when it is that people act dishonestly to either help or hurt others. They had two experiments. The first was to analyze the effects of emotional reactions to inequity.

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It includes: Canadohta Lake, Centreville, East Titusville, Hydetown, Lincolnville, Pleasantville, Riceville, Spartansburg, Titusville, Townville, and Tryonville. Hardbound, 184 pages, published by Otto Jones Co. , Printers and Publishers, Philadelphia, 1908. The Viscose Company, The Story of Rayon Second Edition, printed by Rogers and Company, New York, 1929, 63 pages, illustrated. Waid, Francis C. , Twin Souvenir, comprising his First, Second and Third Souvenirs, illustrated, dedicated, inscribed and dated by the author, Chicago, Ill. J. H. Beers and Co. Publishers 1892, first book 151 pages, second book 368+ pages, third book 272 pages. Wiggins, Joseph compiled and published by, Directory of Meadville and the Oil Regions, For 1869 70 with Historical Sketches and Statistical Tables, Printed and bound at Republican Printing House, Meadville, PA, 1869, , lots of ads, lists of residents, 247 pagesWilson, Rufus Rockwell, Rambles in Colonial Byways Vol.

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They'll allow their visitors to republish your article. 9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your product or service. You will then be able to increase your profits. 10. 1038/s41598 017 09979 4Combination of passive and active acoustics are a useful tool to learn about the ecology of an organism and the ecology of its environment. While there are many challenges to using passive acoustics for habitat modeling, there are some key benefits as well. Traditional habitat models are typically based on visual surveys, which may be limited due to weather constraints this becomes especially true in polar regions that become inaccessible due to ice for large portions of the year. Passive acoustics allow data collection even during unfavorable seasons and thus can be good complements for developing models of year round habitat use. Coupling with active acoustics provides insights into the prey of marine mammals, a critical link that is often lacking in models of marine mammal occurrence.

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The krar, a bowl lyre with 5 6 strings, is another well known instrument in both Ethiopia and neighboring Eritrea. The krar is also a core member of the cultural band and is an instrument of many variations. The electric krar is now standard fare in many urban settings, as well as the bass krar which sounds much like an electric bass. Playing technique also varies. Alemayehu Fanta featured above emphasizes a plucked playing technique, and this is also the technique discussed by Ethiopian ethnomusicologist Ashenafi Kebede. However, in urban settings, I see players utilizing instead a variety of strumming techniques, muting strings with their fingers in order to obtain a defined melody. Yahalem Nod Negussie, krar player at YOD Abyssinia, even plays the strings with his cellphone sometimes to vary the timbre. Also, some people are starting to add strings to the krar. Clearly, it is a bit difficult to discuss the standard krar and its playing technique with so many variants proliferating in Ethiopia at the moment. Generally, however, it is played with the left hand, and it is tuned pentatonically and must be retuned if the player is switching to a different kignit. If the krar has 6 strings, the remaining string is tuned in an octave to the tonic note e.

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